You’re not going to read this part. Instead, you’re going to jump from one headline to the next, so you can quickly decide if this blog is worth your precious, precious time. So yeah, let’s get to it. Social media tips, everyone.
#1. Social media all over that content calendar.
If you’re serious about social media, then you’ll need a content calendar. A content calendar can help you create, organize, and push out content, and typically, they cover 30 days at a time.
There are a buttload of sources online where you can find generic templates for content calendars and detailed how-to guides on creating custom calendars. However, if you have Excel and five minutes to spare, then you can easily create a content calendar for your business.
Here’s an example of what this might look like:
#2. Even the cavemen had tools.
Don’t you dare dive into social media without a tool. With the right tool, you can schedule out the posts from your content calendar (the fix-it-and-forget-it version of social media), analyze how well your posts are performing, and post content to multiple accounts at the same time. It’s the smarter, more efficient way to stay active on social media.
There are a handful of tools you can use to do this, but at the moment, Buffer and Hootsuite are the clear leaders of this pack.
#3. Hey. What do you want?
Seriously. Give it a ponder. What do you want most out of social media? To interact with prospects? To amass a monstrous following worthy of a Gandalf-inspired Lord Voldemort? To improve customer service? To be more active in the community?
Whatever it is, figure it out, and figure it out reeeeeal good. It’s best to have a holistic vision in mind (as far as your tone and style are concerned) … this way you aren’t confusing the heck out of your followers (and losing them as a result).
#4. Hey. But what don’t you want?
As you’re deciding what you want your social media presence to be all about, take a little time to decide what you don’t want it to be about. This is especially important if you’re going to have more than one person posting to your social media profiles.
If your team has a basic understanding of what to avoid (anything from the tone of your posts to the topics you touch on), then they’ll have an easier time tracking down shareable content that fits within your company’s standards.
#5. The power of the Admin Role
Never take an admin role for granted. This bad boy gives someone the permission to post, delete, and respond to messages … and you don’t want just anyone doing that.
It’s important to pick your admins strategically. In other words, don’t hand out an admin role to everyone in the company just because you can (or simply because they ask). Heck, in some cases, the CEO shouldn’t even be part of the admin lineup – especially if he’s hard to control.
Admin access should be limited to people who:
- Understand the vision
- Can handle conversations free of emotion
- Know how to use a spellchecker
#6. Tag. It. Up.
Don’t be shy to tag people in posts, especially when we’re referencing Instagram and Facebook.
Tag the right people on Instagram, and they might re-share your posts – which means all of their followers will see your brand. In this situation, you’ll also show up in their “Photos of You” section – which means you have a greater potential of being seen by more people.
On the other side of the spectrum, tag a person on Facebook, and (depending on their settings) you’ll automatically show up on the feed their friends see – which is obviously great for expanding your reach.
#7. Use ‘em like you’re gonna lose ‘em.
Use your coworkers, family, and friends for their followers. That’s right. Use ‘em. Use the whole lot of them.
And don’t feel bad about it either.
Ask the people you know to share your posts, tag your company in photos, and mention your company in posts, and you’ll probably be surprised by how many people are more than willing to do it. In fact, ask your employees to do this, and it’ll probably have a positive impact on engagement.
#8. Okay, man. Respond already.
The point of social media is to be social, right? So … if this is the case, answer me this:
Why do you think it’s okay to ignore comments, messages, and tags?
Because it’s not. Not even a little bit.
You should always respond to every comment. And yes, I do mean Every. Single. Comment. The more you get your followers to engage, the better. Also, think about it … how much better does it look to have a post with six comments as opposed to three comments?
#9. For once, act like you don’t know everything.
If you want to start a conversation with your followers, then ask a question. It’s really as simple as that.
For example, you can share a blog on something useful, and ask your followers if they have any personal tips they’d like to share. Or post a photo of your team and ask your followers if they have any great ideas on improving collaboration or communication between coworkers. Make them a part of the conversation and let them know that their input matters.
#10. Knock it off with those bots, man.
Don’t use bots to automatically like posts, leave comments, or follow people.
It’s lazy, against Instagram guidelines, and defeats the whole purpose of social media.
#11. So, there’s this story thing …
I know I’ve been referencing Instagram and Facebook quite a bit, but that’s because those are the two platforms most people are on. Or, at the very least, the two platforms your business will probably have the most luck on.
Both platforms rely on algorithms to create individual feeds – which means posts won’t always show up chronologically. On Instagram, for example, you might not see a post on your feed for four days – which can drastically reduce engagement. However, both platforms also have a “stories” feature, and you can use this feature to overcome “feed” issues.
Every time you create a new post, add a quick video or Boomerang to your story that lets your followers know you’ve dropped a new post. This will work to increase visibility and lead more people directly to your profiles, thereby eliminating feed issues.
#12. A conversation or a legal document?
In general, social media should be a place where everyone can go and just … you know, socialize. Call me crazy, but I really don’t think the majority of people hop onto their social media profiles to interact with robots and receive canned responses. So what does this mean for your business?
Well, for starters, you can start acting like a human and have a real conversation with someone. Don’t be afraid to break that professional glass and give your company a personality. In fact, refer to tip #3, and ask yourself what it is your company wants out of social media. Is it to treat everyone like 50-year-old porcelain dolls or to actually build up your brand?
#13. Erm … do you even hashtag?
Hashtags are interesting. Use too many of them, and you’ll look like a putz. Use too few of them, and your posts will go absolutely nowhere. While Facebook is slowly getting into the business of tagging, Instagram basically requires them (as does Twitter).
The best way to figure out which hashtags you should be using is to do a little research on your direct competition – or at the very least, companies or public figures within the same industry. Check out their posts and try to determine which hashtags they’re using the most.
You can also research the “most used” hashtags in general. This will help boost your posts while you’re trying to build up your followers. However, keep in mind that the followers you get using generic hashtags won’t be very engaged and will probably unfollow you just as quickly as they followed you.
#14. Why you tryna’ sell me?
Sometimes business owners and sales professionals struggle to understand the concept of brand-building. And as a result, many of these people automatically assume that social media is just another way to push products. Which is sometimes true. But not always.
If you sell a service, then you need to take another route. Your social media content will be more difficult to develop because you don’t have a pretty product to take photos of. However, this doesn’t mean you resort to non-stop solution drops. No one cares about those, and … they’re annoying (gasp).
Instead, push out useful information. Use infographics, videos, how-to guides, and cornerstone content. Do this, and your followers will appreciate you, and you’ll build up your credibility in the process.